
9/11 was an inside job DEBUNKED !!!!!

It was done outside you morons! Those huge buildings and planes couldn't fit inside!!!

Genesis 11:8 "So the Lord scattered them from there over all the earth, and they stopped building the city."

It is and has been known for a long time now that:

American imperialism and destabilization in the middle east has had many consequences. The most prominent from an American point of view is 9/11. There is no doubt in the minds of every foreign relations scholar that due to the constant upheaval of civilization and destruction of democracy at our hand, that the people of the middle east despise America, and rightly so.

Our government spent years giving weapons to militant groups in the region in order to fight communism, followed my an upheaval of democratic/socialist movements in order for us to place a fundimentalist leader in their stead. Thus, akin to Dr Frankenstein, we created the "monster" ourselves. This was all in order to get oil, create proxy states and justify military bases for further imperialism.

This is all to say, we are flying (no pun intended) headstrong into a situation that will creat another 9/11. Our continued support for Israel, against the wishes of the American people and the entire world, will result in the breeding of more hatred. Everyone sees that America is the only thing that is propping up Israel. Everyone sees that America has and has had the power to stop the genocide and yet not done anything. The majority of people, if you can call them that, that run for office in this country are zionist. There is no stopping the train of imperialism. It will lead to the collapse of American soft power. It will lead to the collapse of relations with other countries. It will lead to the collapse of America.